
new Service_Airtable()

Assumes your workspace only consists of two columns of records that are "Name" and "Value", each of a single line text type

var AirtableElement = document.getElementById("service_airtable");
AirtableElement.setAttribute("apikey", "APIKEY");
AirtableElement.setAttribute("baseid", "BASEID");
AirtableElement.setAttribute("tablename", "TABLENAME");


async, inner init(APIKey, BaseID, TableName, pollIntervalInput) → {boolean}

initialize Service_Template Starts polling the external API this function needs to be executed after executeAfterInit but before all other public functions

Name Type Description
APIKey string


BaseID string

Base ID for Table in which data is stored

TableName string

Table Name of Base

pollIntervalInput integer

interval at which to get entries from the cloud in MILISECONDS. Default value is 1000 ms.

boolean -

True if service was successsfully initialized, false otherwise

var AirtableElement = document.getElementById("service_airtable");
var myAirtable = AirtableElement.getService();
myAirtable.init("APIKEY", "BASEID", "TABLENAME")

inner executeAfterInit(callback)

Get the callback function to execute after service is initialized This function needs to be executed before calling init()

Name Type Description
callback function

function to execute after initialization

myAirtable.executeAfterInit( function () {
    // your API code

inner isActive() → {boolean}

Get whether the Service was initialized or not

boolean -

whether Service was initialized or not

if (myAirtable.isActive() == true)
  // do something if Airtable service is active

inner getEntriesInfo() → {object}

Get all entries on the cloud.

object -

all entries on the cloud, an object with Name fields as keys and Value fields as values

let entriesInfo = myAirtable.getEntriesInfo(); 
console.log(entriesInfo); // display all entries information

// display message entry info
let messageEntryType = entriesInfo["message"].type;
let messageEntryValue = entriesInfo["message"].value;
console.log("message has value of ", messageEntryValue, "that is of type ", messageEntryType);

async, inner setEntryValueNotStrict(name, value, callback)

Update Value of a entry on Airtable by entry Name. If the entry does not exist, create a new entry and assign given properties.
NotStrict property indicates that the data type of the Value supplied will be implicitly converted. For example, allowing for setting an INT entry's value with a string, "123" or a STRING entry's value with * a number. This method exists for convenience but please avoid using it extensively as it can lead to unpredictable outcomes.

Name Type Description
name any

Name of entry

value any

new Value to update entry to.

callback any

function to run after new entry value or new entry creation

// set a string type Value of a Entry and display
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("message", 123, function () {
   let messageValue = myAirtable.getEntryValue("message");
   console.log("message: ", messageValue); // display the updated value, which will be 123. 
// set value of a boolean Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("aBoolean", true);

// set value of an integer Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("anInteger", 10);
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("anInteger", "10");

// set value of a double Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("aDouble", 5.2);
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("aDouble", "5.2");

async, inner setEntryValueStrict(name, value, callback)

Update Value of a entry on Airtable by entry Name. If the entry does not exist, create a new entry and assign given properties.
The value of the Entry is not implicitly converted. E.g. setting a string Entry's value with a number will no longer work

Name Type Description
name string

Name of entry

value any

new Value to update entry to

callback any

function to run after new entry value or new entry creation

// set a string type Value of a Entry and display
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("message", 123, function () {
   let messageValue = myAirtable.getEntryValue("message");
   console.log("message: ", messageValue); // display the updated value, which will be 123.
// set value of a boolean Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("aBoolean", true);

// set value of an integer Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("anInteger", 10);

// set value of a double Entry
myAirtable.setEntryValueNotStrict("aDouble", 5.2);

inner getEntryValue(name) → {any}

Get the Value field associated with a entry by its Name

Name Type Description
name string

Name of entry

any -

the Value field in any JS data type. data type conversion is implicit.

let value = myAirtable.getEntryValue("message");
console.log("message: ", value); 

async, inner deleteEntry(name, callback)

Delete entry from the Airtable database given its Name field.

Name Type Description
name any

the Name of entry to delete

callback any

callback function to run after entry deletion

myAirtable.deleteEntry("message", function () {
    let entriesInfo = myAirtable.getEntriesInfo();
    console.log("entriesInfo: ", entriesInfo); // entriesInfo will no longer contain the entry that was deleted

async, inner createEntry(name, value, callback)

Create a new entry given its Name field and Value field. If a entry with given name already exists, the method will throw an Error.

Name Type Description
name string

name of entry to create

value any

value to give entry (can be of any JS data type)

callback function

function to run after entry creation

myAirtable.createEntry("aBoolean", false, function () {
   let aBoolean = myAirtable.getEntryValue("aBoolean");
   if (aBoolean == false)
      console.log ("aBoolean is false");